Happy Accident

When I was attempting to improve the eyes, Lana drew on my painting and I'll probably leave it because it tells a story. It was surprisingly good for a three year old and very centralized with a great display of fine motor skills. Shall I chalk this up to a happy accident?

I'm getting a bit frustrated because I'm noticing that I didn't get a lot of propertions right and my art could probably be classified as Bad Art. Cry. Taking a break. 


With this pic I realized that I have her skull wrong. This painting might take a lot longer than I thought. I don't even know what to do about the rays of light.  Her eyes aren't right yet even though I spent all morning redoing them. 

With this pic I realized that I have her skull wrong. This painting might take a lot longer than I thought. I don't even know what to do about the rays of light.  Her eyes aren't right yet even though I spent all morning redoing them. 
