Done with my screen shot oil painting of Ryan's friend, Bryon playing Bug Princess. Bryon got me into the NWPAS show, so it might be fun to thank him with this. That is, if he likes glitter. Oh yes, I added mega glitter and metallic powder and metallic ink to this baby. Hope you like it!
Good news, I'm definitely in the show -phewf!
I am heavily considering going as The Red Woman on Day II. Day 1: Gray-Green short wig. Day III: TBA. Maybe Gray-Green again.
Today my artsy table cloth arrived. It is pastel rainbow water-color paint looking.
My next project; Maybe tiny drawings my husband can print out at his job. Freebees and cheap stuff for passers by. I am thinking Day of the Tentacle, The Last Unicorn, Gold Rush ...and that paste picture early computer thing that had birch trees and unicorns. Malstrom might be a good idea. Idk!
One week! Eek!