This is a very m-m-mega oil painting with a musical theme for my friend Maryna's new living room. I painted this tonight. Amazing what one can do in a time crunch! I'll keep working on it for three more days until I see her.
After cleaning all day, I ... do ... Zis!
I think she likes colorful abstract, so I'll try to work in a little magic. It's from a picture I took of my violin and piano from my Great Aunt Diana. I had the idea of pushing down the keys with the scroll of the violin. I'll focus on that part of the painting because it's interesting and tells a story (relative to the rest haha). When I'm working on the piano body, I hear my mom saying, "It screams like a tiger!" The wood is super cool and that type of cross cut oak with stripes. The violin's peg box is striped as well, so maybe I should bring that out. But, I'll probably go back to finishing my other projects.