Now begins my year of painting Game of Thrones horse art. Here is my first drawing in progress. I chose this picture because it gives me the feels and being brave is my favorite quality in personalities -like when someone sings or when someone does something kind. I'm using a picture I printed in black and white.
It started like this. I was attempting to combine multiple pictures initially. Too ambitious ha!
Then I painted over it and redid it upside down to get the proportions right.
And kept at it. Isn't it cool? Uhhh hope I don't get in trouble for picking the most iconic scene ever. It is from scratch and not exactly like the screen shot, but maybe that's not enough. Should I transform it or maybe leave it in grayscale to protect myself from being sued?
And I started another one last night and kept working on it in the morning. If I keep working on her skin and details, she'll be pretty sweet. I hope to make her hair with silvery highlights and a tint of purple in her eyes. My daughter likes this one:). Did I mention that I am listening to the GoT audiobooks while I paint these? Love it! I seriously hope to bring my trumpet at my Con of Thrones booth and play epic beauty of the theme song. Can't stop love!
Did you think I could get this far? Wait to see how far I'll take it!
Getting the courage to add color soon. Maybe one more time upside down with taking away paint next time.
Upcoming Art:
I'm thinking of drawing the different meals George R. R. Martin's writes about in his saga. That might be unique! Maybe I can collage the actual text from the book i to it. I'm also hoping to write the song "The Bear and the Maiden Fair" on parchment in medieval script. I will be able to do that very well since I read music, unlike most people that draw music with dots in the wrong place, stems the wrong way, or not enough lines etc.
I need to make her mouth bigger, the corners of her mouth should be with her pupils.
Worked on her a bit the next day. I might add a tiny hint of purple to her eyes, but it has to be a gray-lavender color. Now I'm thinking maybe just a tiny strand of silver weaved hidden in her hair. Her lower lip is wrong and I'll have to fix it so it doesn't stick out so much. Sorry!