Finishing What I Started

I made a promise, Mr. Frodo!

Here is my progress on Dany and Drogon. 



Here’s how it started: 



This might seems like it started better, but remember I am very brave and am willing to change a painting if I notice something is off. Drogon’s mouth was too narrow, eye too small and left nostril too low. I couldn’t use a projector for this since I started it at Con of Thrones, so it took three full days to sort of get the proportions acceptably close. 

After my fourth day working on it, I realized I need to calm down about using white. High contrast without white. Gray makes the artist. The strategy I’m using to combat this is letting it dry and using layers of oilier and oilier paint. Lean layers to fatty layers. Thank you to Jaime Bollenbach for teaching me that. It’s a technique for painting skin realistically.